Transform how you recruit, retain, and understand your employees

Employer Action Lab Experience

In this brave and collaborative experience, employers learn from one another and support each other as they pilot a new approach to hiring, supporting, and retaining frontline and entry-level employees rooted in a people-centered, equitable systems change approach.

The Opportunity

Talent Rewire’s Employer Action Lab, a 10-month immersive learning experience, seeks to change the paradigm for both employers and employees by bringing together a cohort of employers who are committed to intentionally disrupting their current talent systems and practices in service of addressing their medium to long-term talent and business needs while also increasing opportunity for their frontline and entry-level workforce to build careers not just jobs.

Why Participate

  • Build your capacity to innovate new strategies grounded in employees’ needs and input that improve the recruitment, retention, and/or advancement of frontline talent.
  • Identify and create a scalable pilot program to address a talent need that is built on data, research-based best practices, and input from employees at all levels of the organization.
  • Understand the value of intentional and consistent engagement with frontline talent through interaction and conversation with Talent Rewire’s Frontline Employee Committee and local frontline employees.
  • Receive 1:1 support from Talent Rewire Technical Assistance Providers (TAPs), workforce development professionals who have local and national expertise.

Action Lab Innovation Stories

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Employer Action Lab Timeline

Join a growing community of employers dedicated to
helping their frontline employees thrive.