The Rewire Convening is not your typical conference.
Work alongside pioneering peers to explore opportunities to transform recruitment, retention, and advancement practices. The Rewire Convening is a nontraditional and highly interactive event that will allow you to be more inclusive of untapped talent and make your business more competitive.

Who Should Attend
Rewire is designed for Human Resources, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Operations leaders looking for innovative, socially responsible, and profitable ways to access and retain new pools of talent.
We encourage participants to bring a colleague from another department (if they’re HR, bring a CSR or Operations colleague, and vice versa), as we’ve found that the best way to unlock change internally is to join forces.
Stay Tuned
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when a date and location are announced.
Rewire 2019 – Chicago, IL
Our second Rewire Convening took place on June 6, 2019 in Chicago, IL hosted by the McDonald’s Corporation.
Attended REWIRE in June
Total employers represented
Total employees represented