How to Improve the Engagement and Retention of Young Hourly Workers
By: Kimberly Gilsdorf, Fay Hanleybrown and Dashell LaryeaCase Studies: Good Companies, Good Jobs
Compendium of "pioneeringʺ employer case studies developed by the MIT Sloan School and Hitachi Foundation, with emphasis on the…
The Stable Scheduling Study
Analysis of scheduling practices at national retail store, The Gap, and how certain interventions, such as tech-enabled shift swapping,…
The Good Jobs Strategy
Research and writing on why job-quality strategies can provide a “win-win” for both employers and workers.
NOD Resources and Practices
The National Organization on Disabilities organizes best practices companies looking to hire and retain people with disabilities.
The Competitive Advantage of Racial Equity
Developed in partnership with PolicyLink and funded by the Ford and W.K. Kellogg foundations, The Competitive Advantage of Racial…
Investing in Entry Level Talent
Compendium of evidence-based best practices for retaining frontline workers- and the positive business impact of doing so.
Meet the Team
The Talent Rewire team specializes in employer coaching, program design, strategy implementation, and workforce partnerships. Learn more about us.
About Talent Rewire
Talent Rewire addresses a series of forces rapidly redefining the nature of work and economic mobility through a three-pronged…
In The Know
Here you will find the latest news, articles, and blogs about Opportunity Employment in action.
Resources and Tools
Finding the right resources and tools are critical to understanding both the “how” and the “why” of Opportunity Employment.…
Second-Chance Employer Roadmap
Step-by-step roadmap for companies looking to start hiring from justice-involved (or "second chance") populations.
Low-Lift Turnover Cost Calculator
Calculating the cost of turnover can be complex, and there are many different methods to arrive at this number.…
Cost-per-Hire Calculator
This tool will help you calculate the cost per hire across direct hiring, onboarding, training, productivity, vacancy coverage, turnover and…