Here you will find the latest news, articles, and blogs about Opportunity Employment in action.
Hire Different: Hire Local
By: Talia Alongi, Associate Director of Research, Talent RewireLearn MoreJoby Aviation was in the midst of expanding their production capacity and wanted to stay near their R&D roots…
Why Investing In Employee Financial Wellness is Good Business Sense
By: Christina Blunt (Rhino Foods), Talia Alongi (Talent Rewire)Learn MoreThe desire for long-term financial wellness is one of the key reasons people show up for work each day,…
3 Lessons Employers Can Leverage on their Racial Equity Journey
By: Talent RewireLearn MoreAs a member of the Retail Opportunity Network (RON), a community of workforce organizations focused on creating economic mobility…

Hire Different: Hire Local
By: Talia Alongi, Associate Director of Research, Talent RewireLearn MoreJoby Aviation was in the midst of expanding their production capacity and wanted to stay near their R&D roots…
Why Investing In Employee Financial Wellness is Good Business Sense
By: Christina Blunt (Rhino Foods), Talia Alongi (Talent Rewire)Learn MoreThe desire for long-term financial wellness is one of the key reasons people show up for work each day,…
DEI without the B: Why Belonging Matters
By: Jejuana Brown, Debbie BrownLearn MoreBelonging has increasingly become an important part of corporate diversity efforts. To get a closer look at belonging and…
3 Lessons Employers Can Leverage on their Racial Equity Journey
By: Talent RewireLearn MoreAs a member of the Retail Opportunity Network (RON), a community of workforce organizations focused on creating economic mobility…
4 Takeaways for Employers from Our First Rewire Accelerator
By: Miya Cain - FSGLearn MoreThis past fall, in the midst of the pandemic, Talent Rewire brought together six Los Angeles employers for our…
Business Has a Role in Dismantling Racism: Takeaways from our Conversation with Dr. Manuel Pastor and Amelia Ransom
By: Heddy Nam - UNITE-LA, Reena De Asis - REDF, and Hollie Marston - Talent RewireLearn MoreOn July 23, the Talent Rewire team partnered with UNITE-LA and REDF to host a conversation with Distinguished Professor,…
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